If there was one thing missing in our life, it was THIS success couple Lee and Sue! These two social media stars, known by their fans on Instagram as @420oldfatlesbians (we highly recommend you go follow), met on Plenty of Fish 13 years ago and we are so happy to have played a small part in their journey. We caught up with these two to reveal what their first date 13 years ago was like and their best advice for finding your partner on Plenty of Fish.

Plenty of Fish: What made you two originally join Plenty of Fish? How did you hear about us because 13 years ago we were still fairly new at the time as was the idea of dating online altogether.
Lee & Sue: We heard about you through word of mouth that your site included gay people. Many back then were solely hetero.
POF: Who messaged who first and why? What caught your eye – was it something in the profile or the pictures? Was there a certain interest/hobby you two shared?
Lee & Sue: We lived less than 100 miles apart in Florida – Sue messaged me (Lee) because she realized from my profile that we were both originally from the Chicago area. Also, we were both the same age range and had similar interests.
POF: What did you do on your very first date together?
Lee & Sue: Long – strange story but to keep it short, at the time, I (Lee) was a Corporate Accountant and Sue was a private, end-of-life caregiver. Sue had a patient living with her who was in the final 2 days of life when I came to visit for the first date.
POF: What is one of your single best memories you have together?
Lee & Sue: Visiting National Parks – Yosemite, Grand Canyon – traveling.
POF: You have an awesome/hilarious Instagram account together – what inspired you two to start this and how have you seen it evolve?
Lee & Sue: We wanted to start a social media account after we semi-retired because neither of us have been involved really with social media. We wanted to use a name that kind of included everything we are. It has become something we never imagined. We are humbled by everyone’s comments and messages because we never realized we’d touch so many lives.
POF: You have been together for 13 years which is amazing! What is the key to keeping things fresh and exciting in your relationship?
Lee & Sue: We kind of feel like you don’t have to keep things fresh and exciting. When you’re a twin soul, you are simply part of the other. Unconditional love for one another is in our blood, our breath, our soul. We are meant to be on this journey together in this life and beyond.
POF: What is your best advice for singles that are still looking for their special person on POF?
Lee & Sue: Be honest about yourself, don’t bullshit on your profile. Don’t expect someone to become something that they aren’t and never will be. Don’t limit yourself to a type.