Social media is a huge part of our daily lives. Even if you aren’t a massive fan, chances are the people you date will probably be using it frequently. With millions of people being active multiple times a day over several different platforms, we have to expect a few negative impacts.
It’s not to say that you should boycott social media, but here are some good ground rules to keep in mind when mixing it with your love life:
Keep your relationship private, but don’t hide it
When you change your relationship status from being single to declaring you are committed to someone, this is a huge step. You are letting the people in your world know that you are taking the next step. It doesn’t mean that you need to divulge every single detail, fight or gooey bit along the way. Keeping the details of your relationship private means there is less room for unwanted opinions. There is a huge difference though in hiding the fact you are with someone altogether. Even if you are a private person, secrecy should never come into play in any stage of a loving relationship.
Don’t air your dirty laundry online
We all have fights and sometimes people let us down. This doesn’t mean you have the right to openly bully or slander someone online. The less drama you show about your relationship, the less unwanted attention and comments you will get. No one is perfect, so try to work things out behind the scenes rather than post it all over your status feed.
Know when to switch off from it…literally
It’s so easy to waste our time staring at our phones or computers. Social media is a huge way in which we communicate and interact with the world. Try to set some rules when it comes to turning off your devices and choosing to spend quality time with each other instead.
Not everything you see is as it seems
So often we get caught up in the “filtered” life of what we see on social media. This causes us to think that the grass is greener on someone else’s profile. Comparison is a joy thief, and what you see isn’t necessarily a true representation of what that person’s life and relationship is like.
Learn to cultivate respect when using it
What I mean by this, is that you need to be aware of what temptations may be out there. It’s easy to chat to a good-looking stranger or harmlessly like a sexy picture, but you need to stop and ask yourself is it respectful to the person you are dating? Social media is also an easy way to get in contact with the past, and let’s just say that some people are better off left in the past. Be conscious of what your actions are and who you are inviting into your private world.