Haven’t tried the Plenty of Fish Live! livestreaming feature yet? This is your sign! Check out our latest success couple who met through Live! during one of the hardest years yet – 2020 during the height of social distancing and video dating. Taryn and Keith were able to find that spark via video and eventually made it happen IRL. We couldn’t be happier for these two streamers!
Where are you from?
I (Taryn) am from Abbotsford, BC and Keither is from Emerson, Manitoba. When we met via Plenty of Fish Live!, we weren’t living in the same cities but rather 2,300 KM apart!
When did you each sign up for Plenty of Fish?
Taryn: I’ve been on and off Plenty of Fish for years, but I downloaded it again near the end of June of 2020 when things were seriously shutting down due to Covid-19 and Keith downloaded it for the first time in March of last year. I wasn’t necessarily looking for a serious relationship at the time, more friends, and a community through video chat.
Keith: My dad actually met his wife on Plenty of Fish! I had gone through a challenging breakup previously and was looking for someone to really connect with when I signed up for POF.
When did you start using the Live! feature on POF?
Taryn: I started using Live! right after I signed up for the app – some girlfriends and I were having a couple drinks and one decided to try it out. We ended up watching streams and the people engaging seemed to all know one another which seemed like a fun community and from there we ended up streaming more frequently.
What did you like most about the Live! feature?
Taryn: I love talking to people from all over the world! Because of this, I was able to see parts of the world that I wouldn’t have been able to see otherwise. I watched streams from those from the Philippines, Australia, India and more!
Keith: I love the fact that you can connect face-to-face with someone you have never met before and it’s not awkward because other people are also engaging in the conversation too. It’s much less intimidating!
I also love it for being able to see how a potential match may interact with others so you get a feel for them. You can also see how they handle different situations and deal with drama as a result of social media. You can truly learn a lot about someone from just this feature alone!

You met via the Live! Feature on Plenty of Fish! Can you tell me more about the first time you met via that new feature?
Taryn: It started with Keith messaging me, asking if I was a livestreamer. If I’m being honest, I got so many messages in a day, I did see his message but ignored it. I was going through my inbox about a week later on Plenty of Fish and decided to open it.
He sent me the “heart eyes” gift so I figured I should probably say thank you! It quickly turned into a conversation about how him and his brother were considering moving to the area I was in. Then I started watching his livestream and he was doing the “Live Battles”. He would do all sorts of different things, he would dress up in silly outfits and dance around, and he had the corniest jokes ever. All in all, he was pretty entertaining!
Keith: I was looking at nearby people in the city “Abbotsford” as that’s where myself and my little brother wanted to move to, but were never too serious about. I saw Taryn’s photo and asked if she livestreamed on the app. I sent her the “heart eyes” gift in her inbox hoping she would catch on and message back and continue a conversation! I did not hear anything for about three days. I was streaming about a week later and saw her pop into my stream! My heart dropped as I was in the middle of my stream and putting out quality laughter for my audience. I could not stop wondering if she was judging me or loving it! Now I know it was the latter.
Had either of you tried livestreaming before or was POF Live! Your first experience?
This was both our first experiences! I (Taryn) never thought I’d have the guts to do something like this as I’m pretty shy.
Any advice for those using Live! To find a relationship?
Taryn: If you’re interested in someone, watch their streams! Get in there and engage with the viewers and get to know everyone engaging in the stream! The Live! feature is a really good way to get to know someone’s personality! Don’t be afraid to ask questions to people when you’re in their streams too.
Keith: Yes, I agree with Taryn! Honestly just watch for the first little bit to see how the person interacts with people and see how they deal with situations.
Did you have many virtual dates after you met on POF?
Taryn: We were always on FaceTime together. It started with an hour here and there and quickly turned into all day every day. Since we met during Covid-19 and neither of us was working at the time, we had a lot of spare time which really helped. We even ended up falling asleep on the phone together. I think our longest call was 25 hours or something.
Dating from a distance was hard, we couldn’t see each other physically, couldn’t touch each other, so we made the best of it. You really have to have strong communication with one another to make it work, and I’ll stick by that always. If you can’t communicate as a couple, it will make it extremely difficult to survive long distance.
Keith: We were legitimately sleeping, eating, and working while on Facetime with one another just before I moved.

When did you meet in person?
Taryn: October 23, 2020 9:03am at the Regina airport. Keith left Manitoba and drove into Regina, Saskatchewan, I flew to Regina and we met for the first time IRL at the airport. I was so nervous I think I looked away before I even hugged him and almost tripped over a child I was so flustered.
What did you do for your first in-person date?
Taryn: We had plans to drive about 5 hours and then stay in a hotel and continue driving back to British Columbia. Our first date was me changing my shoes in the car and going to eat Burger King haha!
Keith: We drove for almost 3 hours holding each other in such awkward positions until we stopped for Burger King and honestly it made her sick! Gotta love long car rides!
What are the things you bonded over most?
Taryn: We definitely bonded over livestreaming to begin with. We ended up making mutual friends and/or making friends with each other’s viewers. It was the only thing we really had directly in common at the time. We also bonded over similar past relationship situations.
Any big plans for the wedding?!
Taryn: Due to Covid-19 regulations and all of our family being in Manitoba and Ontario, we’re trying to hold off at least a few months before we start making arrangements. But we hope to be married within a couple of years!

What have you two been doing together in “quarantine/lockdown” to keep your relationship healthy?
Taryn: We go on lots of little adventures, we check out new parks with the kids, and find hidden waterfalls! We also really like to check out abandoned properties and often livestream about them.
Keith: We livestream a lot together and she helps me create new ideas and content to keep people entertained. Also, we foster animals sometimes as I work for a shelter as an animal control officer.
I understand that each of your parents also met their partners on Plenty of Fish, is that right?
Taryn: My mom met her husband on Plenty of Fish and they were married 1 year after meeting!
Keith: My dad met his wife on Plenty of Fish too. He moved her from American to Canada and they have a family now.
A family full of Plenty of Fish relationships and we are just thrilled. Thanks, Taryn and Keith for sharing your story!