If it doesn’t spark joy…there is no room for it in your life! If you haven’t caught wind of the new, highly binge-worthy Netflix show, “Tidying Up” with Marie Kondo, let me fill you in. The lifestyle guru and consultant, Marie Kondo is helping people everywhere to declutter their homes and live a more joyful life through organization. Today, I am going to take some of Kondo’s best tips for tidying up and help you apply them to your dating life.
1) If it does not spark joy, it’s time to part ways: Have you recently gone through a breakup and are still hanging onto old items of your ex partner’s? Perhaps you still have a t-shirt of theirs, or photographs of the two of you around the house. One of the hardest parts about a breakup is letting everything go because the breakup could have come as a surprise and you’re not yet ready to say goodbye. One of the best ways to move forward from a past relationship, is to get rid of those reminders…
- Start with the small stuff: Do you still have all your exes number in your phone? It’s time to clear the contacts and remove any numbers or emails linked to your exes.
- Material items: Do you still have some of your partner’s clothes hanging around your house? If you do, make a pile of all their clothing and notice how it makes you feel. You may be feeling sad, or perhaps you’re feeling completely unemotional. Both these feelings are natural and it’s best to part ways with these pieces. Perhaps you have a box of momentos that you’ve been saving throughout the years or photographs on your fridge that you haven’t been able to take down yet. Remember, you still have these memories in your mind, you don’t need pictures or mementos to remind you of the good times in years past.
- Thank you, next: For all the items that do not spark joy in your life, thank them and then discard them. Think of it as a personal celebration after a breakup! Practice gratefulness at the end of a relationship and reject negativity and bitterness as you move forward with your life.

Photo by John Mark Arnold on Unsplash
2) Clear your mind: Maybe you’re unsure as to what you’re looking for in a partner, or are dealing with insecurities from a past relationship. If you find yourself preoccupied in your stream of thoughts and not fully present when you’re around friends and family, actively taking steps to clear your mind will help you.
- Kondo suggests, grabbing a sheet of paper and writing down everything on your mind. What is making you feel anxious, sad, happy. Seeing your thoughts on paper, will provide a helpful visual as to why you’re feeling the way you are. Also, circle and highlight the issues that are entirely out of your control – perhaps your ex keeps posting their new relationship on their social media for you to see. That is entirely out of your control, but you can take action by removing your ex from your social feed.
3) Start your morning off with good energy: Do you have a date tonight with someone you’ve never met before? Perhaps it’s been awhile since your last date and you’re feeling a little nervous. Starting your morning off with good, positive energy is one of Kondo’s helpful tips, to foster a great day ahead.
- Kondo suggests, a morning routine can be a great way to organize your day’s thoughts. Maybe you start by setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier than you usually would to have time to make yourself a morning cup of coffee, or to chow down on some breakfast. Perhaps there is a morning yoga class you’d like to attend, now is your time to try something new!
Marie Kondo would be proud!