An at-home date is a great way to show off your home, cooking skills, knack for interior design artistry and your favorite playlists! So perhaps the time has come, and you’re ready to venture into the uncharted territory of an at-home date like dinner and a movie in with someone special. Great news, but it takes some work. The easiest way to remember your pre-date home preparation checklist is to use the 5 senses of the human body as your guide. These traditional 5 senses are Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight and Sound. Obviously, the best way to impress a date is to master all 5, but let’s start with Sound and work our way down to those finishing touches.
Here are 5 tips to make your home date-friendly, using the 5 senses of the human body:
Mood-setting background music is integral if your at-home date involves making dinner or cuddling on the couch with a bottle of wine. Try Jack Johnson’s album, “In Between Dreams” which has some of his classics like“Sitting, Waiting, Wishing” and “Better Together”. Another great album for a romantic at-home dinner date is Norah Jones’ album “Come Away with Me” which has classics such as “Don’t know why” and “Come away with me”. Both Jack Johnson and Norah Jones have very soothing voices, and it’s important that your date feel relaxed and at ease in your home.
Sight is a sense that we rely on heavily, and cleaning up your home before your date arrives should go without saying. Your date’s sight might be sensitive to light and color, so dim lighting and a bouquet of fresh bright flowers can really help set the mood and liven things up, but the best way to have your date impressed by what they see is a sparkling clean home. Make sure all rooms of your home are clean, especially the bathroom and the living room for when you give them a tour. If you have a glass coffee table or lots of windows in your apartment, use a good glass cleaner like Windex.
It’s important that your home smells fresh and clean. Open some windows to air the place out, use an air freshener, or light a scented candle like Volupsa scented candles. Since you’ve already cleaned up, you kind of killed two birds with one stone since cleaning products like dish soap usually leave a nice clean smell.
It’s probably the cutest thing ever to make your date dinner. Rehearse the recipe before your date to perfect the taste, and you’re good to go! The same goes for wine, the bottle you choose should be one you’ve already tried and know tastes good and compliments the meal you’re serving – perhaps it’s even a choice you know your date favors. Add dessert into the mix, and your date’s taste buds will be very happy. Try this easy recipe for a chicken dinner that’s sure to arouse the senses.
Don’t you dare forget the sense of touch! Touch is a perception resulting from activation of neural receptors in the skin, hair follicles, and in the tongue. This means you should think ahead to everything from a soft blanket during the post-dinner movie, to running your hands through your date’s hair, to brushing your teeth and tongue. Try a micro plush blanket like this one from Target. Be aware of your home’s temperature as well, too hot or too cold would probably not be comfortable for your date.