Knowing exactly how to dress for a first date can be tricky. Christopher Legard, Managing Director at quality menswear-makers Joesph Turner, offers his advice for dating style past the age of 50.
So, you’ve been talking with a special someone online and you’ve finally arranged a time and place for that all-important first date. At this point, it’s important to capture an image for yourself that looks good, feels comfortable, and gives you the boost that you need to take the next step in the world of modern dating. Here are my tips for first-date style, aimed at men over 50, to help you on your way.
Follow fashion
You want to look your best for your date to make a good first impression and flipping through the latest men’s fashion magazines is a great place to start, but a lot of modern styles can feel a bit overwhelming. However, there are plenty of on-trend options out there for the more refined gent.
The good news is that tailored suits are very much in vogue for 2019 so you can always keep it simple by wearing a classy two-piece. For a modern twist, look for a suit in this year’s hottest (but easily wearable) menswear colour: green. From British racing to khaki or even lime, choose smart jackets and formal trousers in whatever shade you feel suits you best to stand out from the crowd.
Reference some of the more out-there trends in your accessories. Your belt, shoes, jewellery, tie (if you wear one), and even your socks can provide subtle nods to trends that are tricky to pull off in garments, like florals, animal print, and velvet, showing that you have your finger on the pulse.
Another fashion tip to take on board is that it’s worth spending a bit more money on a few high-quality staples, like a capsule collection, rather than buying lots of clothing that’s cheap, misshapen, and quickly falls apart. Trade in your togs made from nylon and polyester for luxurious lambswool jumpers and crisp cotton shirts. Your date will definitely notice.
Be neat
Neatness is the reason that movie stars look so good in just jeans and a T-shirt. The secret is finding clothes that fit: tailored pieces like trousers and suit jackets are obviously more flattering to your individual measurements, but even a T-shirt where the neck isn’t too tight or too baggy and the shoulders are a good fit can make a huge difference to your overall body shape.
If the years have made you self-conscious about your body then clothes that are too tight can make things worse but, equally, hiding underneath baggy clothing will do nothing for your silhouette. Make sure you always look in a full-length mirror before you head out to ensure you’re getting the balance right between snug and loose. For example, jackets should have no pull on your buttons or under your arms, and the shoulder pads should end in line with your shoulders.
Showing attention to detail is a great way of communicating to your date that you have control over your life and you’re taking the rendezvous seriously. Even simple things like ironing out the creases in your shirt; polishing your shoes; and making sure your beard, hair, and fingernails are neatly trimmed won’t go unnoticed.
Be yourself
This is clichéd advice for a reason: the best way to pull off a date is, genuinely, to be yourself. Dressing up as someone else, even someone you think you’d rather be, will only set you up for a fall — and who wants to be with someone who doesn’t like the real you?
Following fashion and making an effort doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice your personality. Your clothing is a great way to get across who you are, what your interests are, and what you’re into. Plus, if you feel good then it will show in the way you hold and carry yourself. So, if you are more comfortable wearing a T-shirt, go for it — but find one that fits your body well or consider a smart jacket over the top just to elevate the look.
No one is more attractive than a man who is confident. By taking inspiration from the latest fashions and taking care in your appearance, you can find your own composed and date-ready style.