Well, you can’t make this stuff up! Today on the blog, we reveal the worst Valentine’s Day gifts ever received. All these responses are real and were submitted by Plenty of Fish users in the US via a Valentine’s Day survey conducted just last week. Now, I have taken it upon myself to rank each of these in order of what I felt was the best of the worst to the worst of the worst. If you still have last minute shopping to do for that special someone, I highly advise you don’t gift any of the following…
16. A donut
Clearly not the worst gift, but if your plan is to give your date a donut, maybe add a little something special to it, like 5 more donuts! Head to their favorite donut shop and get them an assortment of yummy gourmet lovey dovey dough balls.

Photo by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash
15. A fake dollar store rose and balloon
The thought was there, but the execution was a fumble. The problem with fake flowers is they are fake. Skip the dollar store and head to a florist or even a grocery store and pick up real flowers! Trust me, real flowers will be a winner always.

14. Socks
Romance is alive and well…
If you think “socks!” when you think of Valentine’s Day, you’re suffering from a creative gift rut. Think of it this way, would you like a pair of socks for the special day? No, they are something you will just buy yourself when your others have holes.
13. A huge stuffed alien doll
Perhaps this was an inside joke that didn’t land? Maybe next time replace the alien with a teddy bear – just a thought!

12. A toaster
I do love toast and toasters are a very practical appliance for the every day, however, much like socks, a toaster tends to fall into the category of “silent tears” when gifted.

11. A book bag
Perhaps if the book bag contained some of your favorite books, it could pass as a good gift. Think of it this way – the more personalized/sentimental you can make the gift, the better. It doesn’t have to be an item either, you can plan a really fun date night out instead!

10. A blender
For the smoothie enthusiast in all of us! Honestly, if you are a juicer, I think you’d probably enjoy this gift, but again it’s just not the sexiest gift to give on Feb 14th.

9. McDonalds
I’m lovin it! Well, not for Valentine’s Day though. Replace Micky D’s for a nicer restaurant where the ambiance is more romantic than a McCafe. Nuggets are pretty good though.

8. A framed photo of him
This has got to be a joke…

7. A plastic ring
Let’s hope this was a candy ring at least! Plastic rings have never been a fashionable accessory and no matter how you try to spin it, this gift is cheap.

6. A keychain
So you don’t lose your keys of course…this is the type of gift I’ve only ever bought last minute for a sibling at a tacky souvenir shop in Vegas. Not recommended for Vday.

5. A bag of chips
Not gonna lie, I’d actually be stoked to receive chips as they are my favorite snack in the whole world and I prefer a savory treat over chocolate any day. But not everyone is as simply amused by chips as I! This falls closely with the donut, if you know their fave treat is chips, maybe instead of picking up their favorite bag, get a variety pack of their all time faves!

4. A pen
The gift that keeps on giving…until it runs out. A pen? A PEN?

3. Some water
There are no words really, just questions. Did the water come in a bottle at least? A cup? How does one present water as a gift? Oh how I wish I was a fly on the wall for this gift giving moment in history.

Photo by manu schwendener on Unsplash
2. Nothing
Yikes, I do however think forgetting Valentine’s Day is more common that we may think and quite a few people don’t actually celebrate the holiday. But, be sure you know where your partner or date stands on the subject to stop the “you forgot Valentine’s Day?” fight before it begins.
1. A breakup text
Ouch! The worst of the worst. In fact, 10% of singles have broken up with someone right before Valentine’s Day so they wouldn’t’ have to buy the other a gift. And furthermore, 8% of singles have broken up with someone over a poor Valentine’s Day gift. Perhaps the items on the list above had something to do with that…

**All data from Plenty of Fish survey of over 500 POF users in the United States.