At POF, we seem to talk a lot about Valentine’s Day. I guess it’s only natural given the fact it’s always a hot topic in the dating world. But, the more years we talk about it, the more I realize I think the world’s got it all wrong. Valentine’s Day has always been so hyper-focused on romance and over-the-top romantic gestures. Well, it’s time this holiday got a vibe check IMO. If Valentine’s Day is going to keep being a thing, it’s time it focused more on love and less on romance. There, I said it.
Wait… What’s the Difference?
If you’re out there thinking, “Wait, aren’t love and romance the same thing?” No. They’re definitely not. Over time I think the two have been muddled together when even the dictionary defines them pretty differently (look it up if you don’t believe me). Definitions aside though, there’s one crucial difference between the two that’s important. Romance is usually associated with intimate, romantic relationships, but love can be applied to anything and everyone.
The essence of Valentine’s Day has always been focused on romance, and I think that could be because the origins of the day are kind of centered around that Romeo and Juliet dramatic type of love story. Now, we just gotta draw a line in the sand. Romance is so last century.

A V-Day Makeover
For the last few years, I’ve rebranded Valentine’s Day as “Love Day” in my own life. Instead of reserving the day just for my romantic relationship, I use the day to celebrate everyone I love. Remember being a kid and passing out valentines to the entire class? That energy, but for your friends, family, and whoever else you think needs a little L-O-V-E.
Why do I feel so strongly about this? Because there’s so much pressure wrapped up with Valentine’s Day and it’s totally unnecessary. No one should feel like they need fairytale romance to deem the day a success. All relationships, romantic or not, are worth celebrating and I think this should be the day to do it. All love is cool.
You Do You, Boo
So say we do rebrand Valentine’s Day. Am I saying kick any dates you might want or special someone’s you might have to the curb? Hell no! I just want the day to have something to offer everyone regardless of where their romantic life is at. There’s this picture-perfect idea centered around most holidays, but that’s just not real life. I want the authenticity back.
So how does this translate into making plans for February 14th? However you want it to! That’s the whole point. Maybe the day looks like chatting with some friends and family and then watching a movie with a date. Maybe the day looks like a night out with your besties. Maybe the day looks like a bubble bath and a night in with your dog. I’m not here to judge or tell you what brand of love should be most important to you. However you want to celebrate love on V-Day, you do you, boo!