As we continue to adjust to our new normal and do our part to help flatten the curve, the Plenty of Fish team wants to continue to offer all of you, our members, resources to help you #datefromadistance.
We’ve shed some light on how to isolate without feeling isolated, given you the details on our new Live! feature, as well as offered some conversation starters for livestreaming. Today’s tip? How to date from a distance – handy checklist and all.
When You’re Looking to Connect:

Step 1: Make sure your phone and laptop are charged and fully sanitized
There’s nothing worse than your device running out of battery mid virtual date! If you’ve planned a date with someone, ensure your phone and laptop have a full battery and are ready to go. Make sure you have a solid internet connection as well – having your screen freeze during the middle of a video date has the tendency to be a buzzkill. As always during this time, sanitize away! Your phone and laptop are constantly being touched, so it’s important to keep them fresh and clean so you can stay healthy!
Step 2: Update your Plenty of Fish profile
We all have extra time on our hands, why not refresh your profile? Since we can’t meet with anyone in person, your online first-impression is everything! Before you start looking for a connection, spend some time making sure your Plenty of Fish profile is detailed and authentic. Need some help on how to stand out in a sea of fish? Check out these tips.
Step 3: Use MeetMe, Who’s Nearby & Plenty of Fish LIVE! to make new connections
With the recent addition of our Live! feature, Plenty of Fish now has ‘plenty’ (excuse the pun) of ways to connect with others. MeetMe allows members to easily express interest in other members and send them a notification saying so. Who’s Nearby allows members to search for people who are close to them geographically, so once you are able to meet in person you know they’re close by! Live! allows members to speed date live and select who you’d like to talk 1:1 via video with. All these features will come in handy when trying to connect!
Step 4: Take your time reviewing profiles and getting creative with opening lines
Since you have the time, really dive into those profiles and look for things that stand out. Reading someone’s profile in its entirety can offer some valuable clarity into who that person is, and it’s okay to take your time doing this. Additionally, keep your opening lines fresh and fun – but stay authentic. Quarantine pick-up lines are already way overused (and way cheesy) – we suggest you pick something from their profile that stood out and center your opening message around that!
Step 5: Ask your new connections to “meet up” on virtual dates and politely decline any offers to meet up in person
Once you’ve found someone you’d like to spend some time getting to know, invite them on a virtual date! If you’ve met via NextDate™ on Live! then you can use the video call feature for your date, otherwise use a trusted video call source like Zoom, FaceTime or Google Hangouts. Treat your video date like any other date and laugh through any weirdness. If you’re not comfortable just sitting and talking, virtually cook a meal together or play a game! If someone does ask to meet up in person, make sure you politely decline during this time.
When You’ve Hit it Off:

Step 1: Politely decline any invitations to hang out in person
This first step is too important not to mention twice. We know it can be hard to date virtually, but keep doing your part to stop the spread! As you’re getting to know someone, make sure you’re both on the same page about keeping your dates virtual-only during this time.
Step 2: Get deeper than you normally would in DM’s
Before planning an actual date, start with the basics! Chatting with someone through their direct messages is underrated, and you can get to know a lot about someone this way. If you’re usually quick to take things offline, try giving your messages a little extra TLC. Ask questions, and get a little deeper than you typically would to give your new connection a little extra push.
Step 3: Grab a beverage, slip into your best pair of sweatpants, and get comfy
The best part about virtual dates? Sweatpants, of course. You can still do yourself up like you would for an in-person date, but keep it comfy so you can relax. Whether you love a good glass of wine, or are more into a sparkling water vibe, relaxing with a beverage can be a great pre-date ritual.
Step 4: Invite them on a digital date via video chat
It might feel awkward to schedule virtual dates at first, but treat it just like an in-person date! The awkwardness will pass and this way of interacting will start to feel normal. Whether you’ve met in-person already or not, taking things virtual doesn’t have to be a step back or a roadblock. You might not be together physically, but you can create a strong emotional bond through these dates that can often be the foundation for a very deep connection.
Step 5: If you’re still feeling it, plan another digital date tomorrow
The silver lining about this uncertain time? Once you’ve found someone you’re interested in, chances are both your schedules are clear enough to spend a lot of virtual time together! If, after your first virtual date, you’d like to keep getting to know one another, don’t be shy about planning another! Use this time to your advantage and date away!
Checklist complete! We hope you can feel confident in reaching out virtually to make connections – social distancing doesn’t mean your dating game can’t stay as strong as ever! Yes, you’ll need to adjust the way you connect with others, but I hope we’ve made it easier to do so and you all feel ready to get out there and #datefromadistance.