It’s that time of the year when we switch our iced lattes for PSLs, shorts for pants, and sandals for boots. That’s right folks, it’s time to transition from “hot girl summer” to “chill girl fall”. If you did the math correctly, you know we’re just a hop, skip, and a jump away from cuffing season (we’ll get into more of that below). So, what does all of this mean for us singles?
Seasons Come, Seasons Go
The days are shorter, the weather is colder, and we’re all spending more time indoors. This time inside is hard for some, including me, who love summer. But, we can’t help but embrace the changes heading our way. After all, it does happen every year.
With parts of the world slightly opened up, but not completely back to normal (what even is normal?), it’s hard to imagine going back to spending most of our time inside. Especially when you’re single and living alone. Ugh.

Cuffing Season
If you don’t know what cuffing season is already, I’m seriously contemplating if you live under a rock. For the rock dwellers and others who need a refresher, here’s the Urban Dictionary description:
Usually during the colder months; i.e. fall or winter, when new relationships start and old relationships turn into engagements. The persons in said relationships are “cuffed”, meaning that they no longer seek non-platonic relationships with others.
With all of that said, this is a pre-pandemic definition. In my opinion, it’s felt a lot different during the last couple of years. Since Covid, most singles have spent the majority of their time independently or it’s felt like a couple years of cuffing season. Either way, let me just speak on behalf of singles everywhere – we’re exhausted.
To Cuff Or Not To Cuff
For me, it feels like cuffing season puts a lot of pressure on singles to get coupled up quickly. But, what’s the rush? They say you can’t rush a good thing, so I’m in no hurry. I’m not about to push anyone into something and, to be honest, I don’t want to be pushed or have someone clinging onto me. No one likes a stage 5 clinger, even during cuffing season. *Queue the Wedding Crashers scene where she says, “I’d fiiind youuuuu!”*

In my opinion, it’s better to take your time getting to know someone so you can really feel them out. This usually makes for a stronger connection and a better chance of staying together longer. I’ve dated a little bit through the pandemic, but for the most part, I’ve been solo. I know I’m fine on my own and don’t necessarily need someone. Sure, a partner would be great and sometimes I crave some company, but I’m not going to rush into things just to make sure someone is there when I’m feeling lonely. I want to want someone, not need someone.
You Do You
So, what’s my move during cuffing season? Honestly, I’m going to act the same way I always do when dating! What can I say, I’m not the cuffing kind.

Now, after I’ve gone on a bit of a rant, let me leave you with this. You ultimately know what’s best for you and can make decisions based on that. If you want to get cuffed, you won’t get any judgment from me, I promise! Just make sure you’re honest about your intentions and transparent about where you’re at, okay?
The good news for all of us singles is that we can hop on Plenty of Fish to make connections on our own terms and in our preferred ways. Whether the goal is to get cuffed or not.