People often talk about love at first sight. Well, if you’re a Plenty of Fish user – you may have experienced love at first profile view. When Bex was sent Ash’s profile from a friend – she knew he was going to be the one.
This is their Plenty of Fish love story.

When you first saw each of your profiles, what was it that stood out to you?
Ash: It was a combination of her pictures and what she wrote on her profile for me.
Bex: His profile picture stood out to me first, it was like someone extracted “my type” from my brain and put it into a profile picture!
Who messaged who first and why?
Bex: I was sent Ash’s Plenty of Fish profile from a friend on WhatsApp with the message, “you’re going to marry this guy” (She was right, she did). I then went onto his profile and knew he was exactly my type! I like bigger built men – tall, dark hair, and darkish eyes. He also had tattoos and piercings which was a bonus for me! I kept reading his profile and saw he was in a band and played guitar (extra bonus points) and that he loved country music. That had me COMPLETELY sold! So I sent him a message!
What made you two click?
Ash: There wasn’t anything in particular that made us click, it just felt very natural. Our personalities were very similar so I think that made us compatible right from the start.
Did you go on your first date shortly after meeting on Plenty of Fish, or did you chat online for a bit?
Bex: We chatted online and over the phone for a couple of weeks and then we met up for our first date!
What did you do for the first date?
Bex: Ash was flat sitting at the time because the owner had a pet that couldn’t be left for too long on their own. At the time of the date, Ash had been at work all day and didn’t want to leave the pet alone any longer so we agreed to meet there and have a romantic home-cooked meal made by me! While dinner was cooking, we shared our first kiss. To this day I felt like I wasn’t even in control of it, it just happened. We then had dinner, cuddled up on the sofa, and started talking and getting to know one another a little bit better.
What topics of conversation were important for you to bring up earlier on in your relationship?
Ash: Values, morals, desires, and life plan were really important to me.
Bex: I really wanted marriage and children. We discussed this very early on in our relationship and realized we were both on the same page.
What do you love most about each other that solidified that they were “The One”
Ash: Her fierce loyalty, her hilarious sense of humor, and the fact that no matter how crappy I am feeling, she always brightens my day.
Bex: Everything with Ash feels so natural and right. I love ‘touchy-feely’ and he is always affectionate with me. I’m obsessed with cuddles! I know he is the one from the way he looks at me. He is my person and my soulmate.
What is your best piece of advice for those using Plenty of Fish today?
Ash: Go with your gut feeling. If something feels right, go for it – and if it doesn’t, don’t. Be truthful, open, honest, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Bex: We tend to look at profile pictures first hoping for that initial attraction, which is important, but also take the time to read their profiles to learn about their interests and what they’re looking for. If it wasn’t for Ash writing what he was into on his profile, I may have not messaged him even though I thought he was super attractive. I may have been intimidated and felt self-conscious, but knowing he was into the same things as I was, gave me the confidence that we would be a good match. Give as much detail as you can on your profile!
Bex and Ash met in 2014. They had their beautiful daughter Elsie-Mae in May 2016, got engaged in August 2016, were married on July 28th, 2017, and have been living happily ever after ever since!

Thank you, Bex and Ash, for sharing your wonderful story with us.